Homework 5-8 May 2009

The following homework was given for the next D&T lesson

Grade 7 -
a) Obtain all missing information for your pupil card and update Mr. Buys.
b) Research the ancient inventors Hero and Heron of Byzanthium on the internet.

Grade 8 -
Obtain all missing information for your pupil card and update Mr. Buys.

Grade 9 -
a) Obtain all missing information for your pupil card and update Mr. Buys.
b) Identify a problem that you have encountered and solve it by building a machine or mechanism to fix it. (Apply the workings of an existing machine or mechanism to solve a new problem)
c) Research the ancient inventor genius "Al Jazari" and "Da Vinci"


  1. where do i find info about hero & heron?

  2. Dear Anonymus
    the easiest way to do research is in the library or on the iternet.
    M. Buys


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