Structures II - Concepts, Principles & Terminonlogy

1) A rectangular structure has little structural integrity if not reinforced at its joints or bracing because the joints act as moving pivots which prevents rigidity.

2) A Tie - (Such as a string) is strong in tension but weak in compression. Ties strengthen rectangles in only one direction.

3) A Strutt - (Solid member) Is used to diagonally brace from one joint to the other and causes the rectangle to become two triangles (aka triangulation)

4) If a force is applied towards the joint of the diagonal tie it is effective and makes the structure rigid. If the force is applied away from the joints it is ineffective.

5) Two diagonal ties create a rigid rectangle. Each tie operates individually from the other tie.

6) A redundant member is a member that does not do any work and is therefore not needed.

7) A gusset is when members are reinforced and made rigid by making the corner between two members immobile. It normally resembles a triangle that is attached to two members.

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