Homework 1 - 5 June

Grade 7
1) Bring the wheels and axles worksheet to do in class.
2) Write down your settings for the playstation wheel alignment challenge.
3) Research: Who is Trevor Bayliss?

Grade 8
1) Read the grade 8 bridge building project overview
2) Read the project FAQ on the cornwalltech blogsite. http://cornwalltech.blogspot.com/2009/05/faq-grade-8-project-bridgebuilding.html
3) Bring the equipment you need to make the design template.

Grade 9
1) Prepare a short 3min feedback to explain your chosen research for marks.
2) Further develop your research for the wind turbine proposal to rough ideas, sketches, downloads, interviews etc.
3) Research: Who is Nikola Tesla?
3) Visit the wind turbine blogsite

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