FAQ Grade 7 Project - Race car mania

1) Which forms of propulsion may I use?
Only the supplied form.

2) Can I pick my own car?
No, the car comes standard in a kit form.

3) Can I modify / customise my car?
Yes, you may make only 1 modification.

4) Can I paint my car?

5)May we work in groups?

6) Can I change the form of propulsion by rearranging the supplied parts?
Yes, but it would count as your allocated modification.

7) Whats in the kit?
The kit and its contents/material/parts will be posted under grade 7 projects on the blogsite.

8) When will the competition take place?
The date will be announced as soon as the kits have arrived from the University of Natal.

9) What will the kits cost?
The price will be posted on the blog.

10) Will we compete in class format or against the whole grade?
There will be knockout rounds in class and the best models/cars will then compete across the grade.

11) When will I build the car?
You will be given time to build and modify the car in class. If you do not finish your building you will have to complete it at home.

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