Homework 25 - 29 May

Grade 7
1) Read the tutorial on wheels and axles and identify the wheels in the pictures

2) Follow the wheels and axles links on the tutorial and do the activities.

3) Research the following terms linked to wheel alignment:
a) Toe in, Toe out
b) Camber

Grade 8
1) Get a basic design of what a side truss of your bridge will look like using WESTPOINT BRIDGE DESIGNER and draw it in freehand on an A4 paper.

2) Bring the following to class for the next Technology lesson:
a) 1 roll of cellotape
b) 4 fineliner marker pens (black, blue, red, green)
c) 8 sheets of clear A4 typing paper
d) 30cm ruler (bring a longer one if you have one)

3) Calculate the sizes for your initial idea to be about 6500mm - 7000mm on the A4 freehand design of your truss.

4) Read up on the specifications and competition rules for the competition by following the link in the project overview section for grade 8 projects.

Grade 9
1) Further develop your research for the wind turbine proposal to rough ideas, sketches, downloads, interviews etc.

2) Read the summary on the 11th hour and be prepared to answer questions.

3) Read the coal mining overview.

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