1) Discussing the ancients - Al Jazari
2) Carbon Footprint - Wind turbine feasibility study & SWOT
Points to consider:
a) Turbine specifications - power delivery
b) Cost - capital expenditure / maintenance / projected saving
c) Placement - geographical data survey
d) Wind - meterological data survey and projections
e) Safety - environmental impact study, safety considerations
f) Security - threat assesment (including plane strikes, lightning strikes)
g) Public relations - corporate profile (want or need?)
h) Noise - Propeller and dynamo sound pollution
i) Building it - Construction brief and contractor procurement
j) Maintenance - Future running & repair cost projection ito upgrades/new technology / possible obsolete technology
k) Design - Look and feel
l) Legal - Municipal and aviation bylaws
m) Other options of saving power
Possible careers and choosing the research option that suits it:
a) Lawyer - e, l
b) Engineer - i, j, a
c) Doctor - h, e
d) Journalist,Actor - g, k
e) Architect - c, i, k
f) IT - assist graphic projection and data capture of any of the other choices
g) Industrial designer k
h) Pilot - l, d
i) Chartered accountant - b, j
j) Economist - a,b
h) Geologist - c
i) Councillor - g
j) Teacher - e, f
3) The 11th Hour dvd
a) It is the nature of living organisms to use opportunism to get what they need to in order to survive.
b) Man is unique because he is aware of the future and adopt his actions today to affect the future.
c) Mankind is basically economy driven/focussed with the belief that he has the capacity for limitless growth and expansion.
d) With the advent of the industrial revolution in the 1800's there was a departure from living of products and food provided by current sunlight to using the energy ( coal and oil) provided by ancient sunlight.
e) Coal and oil is a finite fossil fuel which is fast running out and we will be unable to sustain more than about 1-2 billion people should we run out of fossil fuel.
f) Pre 1800 the world population was below 1 billion. It grew rapidly after that to 2 billion in 1930, 3 billion in 1960 and 6 billion at present.
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